naked Group entered the Coworking industry in 2015 – naked Hub launched its first Coworking space in Shanghai.
With more than 10 years of rich experience in the premium hospitality industry from naked Group, naked Hub inherited the key success factors: sustainable design, cutting-edge technology, systematic community management and an outstanding user experience. Within just 3 years, naked Hub became one of the leading brands in the Coworking industry across Asia-Pacific, successfully expanding to a community of over 10,000 members and 50 locations in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and London.
In April 2018, naked Hub and WeWork joined forces together. By integrating strengths and resources from both sides, naked Group contiues to partner with WeWork to drive and transform the future of work.
naked will continue to advocate the “Live naked” spirit and will keep exploring new lifestyle whilst passionately inspiring everyone to enjoy a Fresh, Fun, Green and Great life.